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Infomart Group

Products & Services 

Power Over Ethernet Products

Semiconductor Products

Electronics Design Services

Speciality Chemicals

Packaged Software Products 






Corporate Value


We believe that highest ethical and moral standards are the foundation of good business policies, and we will operate with Independence, Integrity and Intellect.

We recognise the basic contribution of each individual and will provide opportunities for personal growth and development. Benefits and compensation will reward performance.

We strive for participative management and Infomarter involvement at all levels because each Infomarter is a stake holder in our business and a vital part of our family.

We prize Intellect and those who provide it, and we recognise that service to our customers, is the lifeblood of our organisation.

We shall be intolerant of obstructive bureaucracy and boundaries, in our quest of excellence.
We subscribe to these principles and strive every working day to improve their application.

About Infomart 

Mission & vision

Corporate value

Our team 



Quality Policy & Objectives 

Media Center 

Environment & Society 

Jobs & Career 

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