UltraViolet-Curable Marking Ink - PLAS FINE PSR-310W
PLAS FINE PSR-310W are UV curable marking ink which are excellent in printing.
Excellent adhesion to substrates
Excellent in solder resistance
Excellent high resolution.
Conductive Ink (Silver paste) - PLAS FINE PAF-22G
PLAS FINE PAF-22G is composed of highly controlled silver powder and functional
resin. This ink is suitable for flexible PCBs.
Conductive Ink (Carbon paste) - PLAS FINE PCF-1038
PLAS FINE PCF-1038 is composed of high conductivity carbon fillers and
functional resin. This ink is suitable for flexible PCBs.
Liquid Photo imageable pattern resist - PLP system
PLP system - Plugging and Liquid Photo imageable is one of the methods of
manufacturing PCBs. This system needs UV-curable plugging ink and liquid photo
imageable pattern resist.